
Coburg manor house in Jelšava

The idea of our project

The main idea of our project is to create a cultural and creative centre in the conditions of the small town of Jelšava. It will be located in the renovated part of the Coburg manor in the historic centre of Jelšava town. The project will create conditions for the development of tourism and community programme, for the return of traditional craftsmen and artists from all over the area as well as support for the integration of the Roma minority.

The idea of our project

The main idea of our project is to create a cultural and creative centre in the conditions of the small town of Jelšava. It will be located in the renovated part of the Coburg manor in the historic centre of Jelšava town. The project will create conditions for the development of tourism and community programme, for the return of traditional craftsmen and artists from all over the area as well as support for the integration of the Roma minority.

Project activities

1. Renewal of cultural sights

a complex renewal of the northwestern wing on the basis of approved project documents.

2. Community

focused on the traditional art and craft programme, cultural minorities programme, deradicalisation, hate manifesting (speech) and cognitive safety.

3. International reach and art residencies

connection of the renewed sight and cultural centre with the national and European cultural networks.

4. Enviromental adaptation measures

events concerning sustainable lifestyle and the enviroment (air pollution, waste management, renewable sources, biodiversity).

5. Bilateral knowledge transfer

in cooperation with partners:
Høgskulen for grøn utvikling
Fjellugla Kompetanse AS
Norsk institutt for luftforskning: NILU

Are you interested in individual tour? Book a date!

Coburg manor house today

Current information about the manor house

Prevention of radicalisation among young people.

Training of practical skills of regional development

Svetlonos in the Coburg mansion – fotoalbum

Svetlonos in the Coburg mansion

let’s clean up around the mansion

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Partners of the project

web: www.hgut.no
email: post@hgut.no

web: www.fjellugla.no
email: post@fjellugla.no

web: www.nilu.no
email: nilu@nilu.no

Thanks for support

Coburg manor house in Jelšava – historical, craft and ecological centre of Gemer project received a grant from Island, Lichtenstein and Norway in the amount of 1000000 euro through EHP Grants. The project was co-financed from the state budget of the Slovak Republic. The idea of the project is to create a cultural and creative centre in the conditions of a small town.